Michelle Gallagher

Apr 6, 20223 min

Meet my friends ...

& some of the hosts of R3.

Stacy Hein is one of my most favorite people to laugh with. She gets me all across the board, spiritually, emotionally, mentally. I literally asked her to be my friend about five years ago because I was just so in awe of her smooth, cool vibe. She's unlike anyone I've ever met.

We went to Kundalini Yoga camp together and had a wild, and very weird adventure. What do I love most about her? She's not showy and there's nothing about her that isn't authentic.
Ask her -her thoughts on something and you'll get the real deal. In all of my years of practice and training yoga, Stacy is by far the one person that I can say is the true definition of a Yogi. A forever student and a teacher of Ashtanga, Kundalini & Yin, Stacy is the owner of Tribe Yoga in Fogelsville PA.
This year is Stacy's second time as a teacher/host at R3.
Please know that you're invited to hang out with Stacy and I to laugh and do some downward dog and more at the R3 Retreat in August.



Jason Brown. I've known Jay since we were young. Yes that means he's from Jim Thorpe! And while he may come across as intimidating, he's one of the most gentle, playful giants I've had the pleasure to get to know and work with over the years. Jason's passion for making play a part of your physical fitness goals or routine is palpable. His workshops are so much fun and it's really hard to put into words without you experiencing it for yourself. Those who were in attendance the last time Jason taught for the Eat Play Love weekend said it was their favorite part of the entire program,
I couldn't disagree. We laughed and moved our bodies in ways that felt like we were kids. Jason is a devoted husband and a father to three boys. And despite his well-established resume or celebrity connections, Jason really is one of the most down to earth people you could ever meet. You're invited to play with Jason and I in a workshop made for just that - PLAY! I promise you there's nothing like it and you'll have the very best of times.


Taryn is the definition of a true seeker at heart. And a very big heart she does have indeed. She's nothing short of a joy to be around,
a true pleasure. Recently, I've had a tarot reading from Taryn and if you truly know me, you know that I wouldn't endorse anyone that I didn't experience or put through the fire first myself.
One of my very favorite things about Taryn's esoteric skill set is her wicked, sound bath performance. Talk about a trance state from a true channeler! I know I said this about Jason, but I will also say it about Taryn as well, you have to experience her work for yourself to truly appreciate how the bowls and her talent move through your entire being. This is Taryn's second time with R3.
Please come and have the pleasure of meeting her,
get a reading and/or experiencing her extraordinary,
other-worldly sound bath performance this August.

Kiraki Aletheia Anastasiadou is not just a Licensed Massage Therapist, certified Physical Therapy Aid, Artist & Poet she's truly a fierce f*n mother, woman and community activist. She's blended me tea when I've been sick and has used her talents to heal me in ways that I wasn't sure were possible. I can't recommend getting massage work by her done enough. I even had her come to my muggle job and employ her magic on my coworkers that's how much I endorse this woman's talents. Please book a massage with Kiriaki during your time at R3 and experience for yourself what I'm talking about.

Stay tuned for an introduction to two other phenomenal women and presenters who will be joining our host staff this year for the first time.

In the mean time, have you seen this place? The High Street Guest House is where we yoga, meditate, sound bathe and play.

LMK if you have any questions - XOXO - MG


